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New Studies Prove Effectiveness of Innate Lifestyle Plan Approach for Chronic Conditions


Living the Innate Lifestyle™

February 2019

© The Wellness Practice © Dr. James L. Chestnut M.Sc, D.C., C.C.W.P.

Healthy Elderly Exercising Chiropractic Dr Nathan's Chiropractic Studio Prahran | Windsor Melbourne

*Two recent studies have shown the incredible power of the Eat Well – Move Well – Think Well® 'address the lifestyle causes' approach to recovery, wellness, and prevention for virtually all chronic illnesses.


"Just as for other chronic illnesses such as atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, the goal is not simply to normalise metabolic parameters, but rather to optimise them."

"For each network component, the goal is to address it in as physiological a way, and as far upstream, as possible [address the lifestyle cause]."

Healthy Couple Preparing Salad Chiropractic Prahran Windsor Melbourne Dr Nathan Jenner


What You Need to Know:

The clinical intervention protocols described in these studies very closely mirror those provided in the on-line Eat Well – Move Well – Think Well® 90 Day Innate Lifestyle Plan - including the Innate Choice Essential Nutrient System!

As I have documented in my book 'Live Right for Your Species Type', the causes of chronic illnesses and the metabolic changes that define them are all determined by lifestyle choices that determine the expression of genes.

How we eat, move, and think determines which genes get expressed or 'activated' and this determines our metabolic states such as stress hormone levels, inflammation, immune function, insulin sensitivity and blood sugar levels. In turn these metabolic states determine whether or not we develop diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, cognitive decline, sexual decline, digestive issues etc.

Your health is synonymous with your metabolic state which is the genetic expression of how you eat, move, and think!

Healthy Couple Exercising Yoga Pose Chiropractic Dr Nathan Jenner Prahran Windsor 3181 Melbourne

What You Need to Do:

Whether you want to maximise your recovery from chronic illness, prevent future illness, or maximise your health and quality of life there is only ONE fad-free and fool-proof solution – 'Live Right for Your Species Type'.

Enrol in the Innate Lifestyle Plan and get results. It has worked for others and it will work for you! Ask your practitioner or visit and sign up today.

Healthy Happy Couple Chiropractor Prahran Windsor Dr Nathan's Chiropractic Studio Chiropractor

Brought to you by:

Dr Nathan's Chiropractic Studio Prahran | Windsor

Phone: 0400041976


Are you looking for a natural approach a spinal health; back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain? For more advice or for a thorough assessment to determine the cause of your back pain please contact Dr. Nathan Jenner (Chiropractor) 040 041 976

Dr Nathan's Chiropractic Studio is located in Prahran/Windsor serving patients from South Yarra, Toorak, Malvern, St Kilda, St Kilda East. Dr Nathan's Chiropractic Studio is located just off Chapel Street, near the corner of high and Chapel Street.


Dr Nathan's Chiropractic Studio

0400 041 976

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3 Nottingham Street Prahran

Vic 3181


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