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Research Shows Spinal Issues Don't Recover Without Proper Care

Back Pain Prahran Windsor Melbourne 3181 Dr Nathan Jenner Chiropractic


A Natural Connection February 2017

© The Wellness Practice © Dr. James L. Chestnut M.Sc, D.C., C.C.W.P.


"The findings of this review indicate that the assumption that spontaneous recovery occurs in a large majority of low back pain patients is not justified. There should be more focus on intensive follow-up of patients who have not recovered within the first 3 months."

"The findings in this review are in stark contrast with current recommendations and guidelines for the treatment of patients with non-specific LBP, which are based on the assumption that in a large majority of patients spontaneous recovery occurs."

Disc Herniation Treatment Chiropractic Chiropractor Windsor Prahran Melbourne 3181

Key Concepts:

It is no more logical to wait for back pain to go away or to use drugs to numb back pain than it is to wait for tooth pain to go away or to use drugs to numb tooth pain.

If you want to recover your health and function you need to address the cause of your problem, you need to "fix the spinal cavities"; not simply try to numb the pain that they are causing.

Ignoring the issue does not resolve it. Even if the pain goes away the unresolved problem is still causing decay in the tooth or spine.

Back Pain Chiropractic Windsor Prahran 3181 Melbourne

Key Take Home Points:

Evidence-based chiropractors have always emphasised the fact that it is important to identify and address the cause of spinal pain and that it is both unscientific and illogical to cover up symptoms rather than fix problems and restore health and function. If people had listened to chiropractors we would not have an opioid crisis!


Brought to you by: Dr Nathan's Chiropractic Studio

Phone: 0400041976

Dr Nathan Jenner is a Chiropractor with 19 years experience helping patients with back pain, disc injuries, sciatica and back pain related issues. His practice in Windsor, Victoria, 3181, serving patients in the Windsor, Prahran, South Yarra and St Kilda are of inner south-east Melbourne. If you are suffering from back or leg pain why not call 0400041976 to arrange a time or email or contact me if you have further questions.

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Dr Nathan's Chiropractic Studio

0400 041 976

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3 Nottingham Street Prahran

Vic 3181


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