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Living WRONG for Your Species Type the Leading Cause of Chronic Illness - Living RIGHT For Your Spec


Living the Innate Lifestyleâ„¢

© The Wellness Practice © Dr. James L. Chestnut M.Sc, D.C., C.C.W.P.

Wellness Chiropractic Prevention Lifestyle Heathy Eating Unhealthy Dr Nathan Jenner Chiropractor Prahran

Rippe, J. et al. Lifestyle Medicine and Health Care Reform. Am J. Lifestyle Med. Nov/Dec 2009


"Increasingly, the health science community and public at large have come to understand that lifestyle habits, whether they be positive or negative, are profoundly important to health and quality of life."

"It is our daily lifestyle habits and practices that are harming our health and literally killing us."

"Until prescription of positive lifestyle practices become a central component of modern healthcare, we are unlikely to improve outcomes or control costs of health care."

Couple Exercising Chiropractic Dr Nathan Jenner Prahran Chiropractor Lifestyle Wellness Prevention

What You Need to Know:

Chronic illness is caused by bad lifestyle choices NOT bad genes.

The only evidence-based way to prevent or heal from unhealthy lifestyle-caused chronic illness is to learn and implement healthy lifestyle habits. If you want to get and stay well you have to Eat Well - Move Well - Think Well® - you have to Live Right for Your Species Type.

You need to know what eating, moving, and thinking habits cause illness and you need to know which eating, moving, and thinking habits produce health and vitality.

Exercise Chiropractic Dr Nathan Jenner Prahran Windsor Wellness Prevention

What You Need to Do:

What everyone needs to do is learn what habitat and lifestyle choices result in the expression of health and implement those choices into their daily lives. Everyone also needs to learn what habitat and lifestyle choices result in the expression of sickness and avoid those choices whenever possible.

The best approach is to choose some healthy lifestyle habits that you find easy and comfortable to implement and start with these. Eat some fresh, raw fruit or vegetables with every meal. Go for a walk, no matter how short, every day. Think of things you are grateful for before you get out of bed every morning and when you get into bed every night. Tell yourself the truth, that your genes are programmed to express the healthy, happy, fit, beautiful, honest, kind, generous, hard-working, tolerant human being you are - you just need to give those genes what they need to do their work!

There is no better source of this information, or of the easiest, most sustainable strategies to implement this information, than the book 'Live Right for Your Species Type'. Ask your practitioner about borrowing a copy or you can go to and order a copy for yourself. There is simply no greater resource for understanding the relationship between habitat and lifestyle choices and your health - or for learning how to get and stay well.

Are you looking for a natural approach a spinal health issue? For more advice or for a thorough assessment to determine the cause of your back pain please contact Dr. Nathan Jenner (Chiropractor) 040 041 976.

Dr Nathan's Chiropractic Studio is located in Prahran/Windsor serving patients from South Yarra, Toorak, Malvern, St Kilda, St Kilda East. Dr Nathan's Chiropractic Studio is located just off Chapel Street, near the corner of high and Chapel Street.


Dr Nathan's Chiropractic Studio

0400 041 976

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3 Nottingham Street Prahran

Vic 3181


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