Can you do enough PUSH-UPS to SAVE your HEART?"Significant negative associations were found between increasing push-up capacity and CVD events. Participants able to complete more th
New Studies Prove Effectiveness of Innate Lifestyle Plan Approach for Chronic ConditionsHow we eat, move, and think determines which genes get expressed or 'activated' and this determines our metabolic states such as str
Want a Healthy Heart? New Study Adds More Proof That Omega-3 Fatty Acids Prevent Heart DiseaseThis study, the most comprehensive to date investigating supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids, provides conclusive evidence of the benef
Make the Ultimate New Year's Resolution: Commit to 'Live Right for Your Species Type'1. Go for a walk every day (1 minute is better than 0 - work up to 30 minutes). 2. Do some deep squats and pushups every day (1 is better t
VITAL Study on Omega-3 and Vitamin D Show Remarkable Benefits of SupplementationSpecifically, the omega-3 fatty acid intervention lowered the risk of heart attack by 28% and the risk of fatal heart attack by 50% but had
Supplementing with Fish Oil Reduces Sun Burn, Skin Inflammation, and Risk of Skin Cancer!The scientific literature indicates that risk of skin cancer is increased primarily from the damage and inflammation resulting from sun BURN
Living WRONG for Your Species Type the Leading Cause of Chronic Illness - Living RIGHT For Your Spec"Until prescription of positive lifestyle practices become a central component of modern healthcare, we are unlikely to improve outcome