T-Cells the Key to COVID-19 Immunity and Vitamin D the Key to T-CellsT-Cells really are the superstars in fighting COVID-19
Supplementation with Vitamin D Prevents and Treats Depression"A meta-analysis of all studies without flaws demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in depression with Vitamin D supplements.
Omega-3 Fish Oil and Vitamin D in OmegA+D Sufficiency Essential for Brain Function and Brain ProtectDeficient intake of the essential nutrients (omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D) is associated with significant decline in brain health, sign
Beat the Winter Blues - and Colds and Flus!"Here, we propose mechanisms by which serotonin synthesis, release, and function in the brain are modulated by vitamin D and the 2 mari
OmegA+D Sufficiency - The Best D-Fense Against Cold and Flu Season"In the present study, it was observed that fish oil supplementation improved the immune system by increasing the functioning of neutro