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3 Nottingham Street, Prahran (Windsor) 3181
0400 041 976
Dr Nathan Jenner Chiropractor BAppSc (Clinical Science)BCSc(RMIT)
Spinal Health & Wellness
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Restricted, Inflamed Joints Cause Altered Sensory Input Into Brain & Altered Brain Function
Restricted, Inflamed Joints Cause Altered Sensory Input Into Brain that Leads to Altered Brain Function Affecting Pain Perception, Moods,...

Physical Therapy Modalities: No Evidence of Benefit for Back Pain Despite Wide Use
Physical Therapy Modalities: No evidence of benefit for Back Pain despite wide use: Chiropractic Adjustment/SMT has always been most effecti

Study Shows Chiropractic Care Begins to Immediately Improve Chronic Back Pain
"Adjusted mean RMDQ [Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire] and pain intensity at week 3 was not different between the two SM [Spinal

Paracetamol for back pain?
"At the end of treatment paracetamol was found to delay recovery, with a relative risk for recovery of 0.66 (0.44–1.01) compared with n

Landmark Research Shows Chiropractic 2700% More Effective than Medical or Physiotherapy Care
"Compared to family physician-directed usual care [prescription drugs from physicians, referral to physiotherapist and/or kinesiologist

Maintenance Chiropractic Care Better Than Symptom-Guided Care
This study showed that maintenance care at frequency of 1-3 months resulted in significantly fewer days of discomfort than symptom-guided ca

Research Indicates Chiropractic Effective for Disc Herniation and Sciatica
This study showed that maintenance care at frequency of 1-3 months resulted in significantly fewer days of discomfort than symptom-guided ca

Research Shows Spinal Issues Don't Recover Without Proper Care
It is no more logical to wait for back pain to go away or to use drugs to numb back pain than it is to wait for tooth pain to go away or to

Review Shows Lack of Evidence for Medical and Physical Therapy Treatments for Disk Herniation
"Cohort studies suggest that the condition of many patients with a herniated lumbar disk improves in 6 weeks; thus, conservative therap

Large Study Shows Back Surgery Ineffective and Harmful
Only 26% of those who had surgery returned to work within 2 years. A full 67% of those who did not have
surgery [for the same diagnosis] did
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