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3 Nottingham Street, Prahran (Windsor) 3181
0400 041 976
Dr Nathan Jenner Chiropractor BAppSc (Clinical Science)BCSc(RMIT)
Spinal Health & Wellness
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Make the Ultimate New Year's Resolution: Commit to 'Live Right for Your Species Type'
1. Go for a walk every day (1 minute is better than 0 - work up to 30 minutes).
2. Do some deep squats and pushups every day (1 is better t

VITAL Study on Omega-3 and Vitamin D Show Remarkable Benefits of Supplementation
Specifically, the omega-3 fatty acid intervention lowered the risk of heart attack by 28% and the risk of fatal heart attack by 50% but had

Study Shows Chiropractic Adjustment/Manipulation and Exercise Better Than Exercise Alone for Leg Pai
"At 12 weeks, 37% of patients receiving SMT plus HEA (home exercise and advice) had at least a 75% reduction in leg pain, compared with

Review Shows Lack of Evidence for Medical and Physical Therapy Treatments for Disk Herniation
"Cohort studies suggest that the condition of many patients with a herniated lumbar disk improves in 6 weeks; thus, conservative therap

New Study Shows Chiropractic Adjustment/Manipulation Not a Cause of Disc Herniation
"195 cases of acute LDH [lumbar disc herniation] with early surgery (within 8 weeks) were identified in a population of more than 100 m

Grip Strength A Better Predictor of All Cause Death and Cardiovascular Death and Disease than Blood
"Grip strength was inversely associated with all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, non-cardiovascular mortality, myocardial in

The BioLOGICAL Laws of Lifestyle & Health (or Illness). Pt 2
"Healthy habitat and lifestyle choices for any species are defined as those that elicit the genetic expression of health within that sp

Supplementing with Fish Oil Reduces Sun Burn, Skin Inflammation, and Risk of Skin Cancer!
The scientific literature indicates that risk of skin cancer is increased primarily from the damage and inflammation resulting from sun BURN

Chiropractic Care Improves Sensorimotor Function Associated with Falls Risk in the Elderly.
Here is yet another research study showing that chiropractic care improves body position sense, sensorimotor function, and physical quality

Probiotics – Essential and Important!
"Imbalances in the composition of the microbiota, and the induced changes in interactions with the host, relate to diseases such as obe
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