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3 Nottingham Street, Prahran (Windsor) 3181
0400 041 976
Dr Nathan Jenner Chiropractor BAppSc (Clinical Science)BCSc(RMIT)
Spinal Health & Wellness
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Omega-3 Fish Oil and Vitamin D in OmegA+D Sufficiency Essential for Brain Function and Brain Protect
Deficient intake of the essential nutrients (omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D) is associated with significant decline in brain health, sign

Study Shows Chiropractic SMT/Adjustments Most Effective for Adolescent Low Back Pain: and Benefits T
"For adolescents with chronic LBP, spinal manipulation combined with exercise was more effective than exercise alone over a 1-year peri

Study Shows Chiropractic Care Begins to Immediately Improve Chronic Back Pain
"Adjusted mean RMDQ [Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire] and pain intensity at week 3 was not different between the two SM [Spinal

Exercise Better Than Drugs!
No statistically detectable differences were
evident between exercise and drug interventions in the secondary prevention of coronary heart d

Beat the Winter Blues - and Colds and Flus!
"Here, we propose mechanisms by which serotonin synthesis, release, and function in the brain are modulated by vitamin D and the 2 mari

OmegA+D Sufficiency - The Best D-Fense Against Cold and Flu Season
"In the present study, it was observed that fish oil supplementation improved the immune system by
increasing the functioning of neutro

Body Mass Index (BMI) Strong Predictor of Mortality (and Health Status)
Being overweight is harmful to your health - period. It is not an issue of value or attractiveness or
discrimination, it is a scientifically

Paracetamol for back pain?
"At the end of treatment paracetamol was found to delay recovery, with a relative risk for recovery of 0.66 (0.44–1.01) compared with n

Belly fat? What does it mean?
Insulin resistance is one of the pillars of chronic illness. Insulin resistance and the resulting high blood sugar and/or diabetes are the e

Insurance Data from Hundreds of Thousands of Patients Shows Superior Benefits, Reduced Costs, and Su
Patients were 75-90% less likely to have short, or long-term exposure to opioids if the first provider they saw was a chiropractor compared
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